Also Ian do you understand if you go it's my own personal reputation on the line and you need to make sure you do not faz out or call people by wrong pronouns or whatever other thing people have done to get us on thin ice there in the past
I barely even know what pronoun means
I do have the excitement and fighting spirit jenanda I hope you understand that
Go Ian!
Thanks klaze
yeah go ian :) im sure playing with soyboys on em has prepared you for this moment
btw what were the trophies for and how did the runoff thing go tho? how do i know youre not just saying you got 4 wins and 1 almsot win
There's competitions they have going back to back that run until someone gets 2000 points which takes about week to ten days. Usually a few hundred people play and a couple dozen play seriously and try to win
I deleted my trophy accounts though u gotta take my word or talk to Forrest
Epicmafia trophies aren't impressive people take them serious but they're all very dumb
yeah i was just confirming that it meant you were subjected to playing a lot over a period of time with sensitive smolbrans and you beat em/didnt lose ur marbles. you should be a good fit for this MU game lol
Stop giving him superiority attitudes dude
We just need someone who isn't going to be a dick
there's going to be 17 players all sent with the same attitude of "win this for the glory of my community" and it's going to be an absolute monstrosity of morons
like what are the other communities going to be? horse forums?
minecraft servers? specific stackoverflow sections? subreddits?
selection into the next round is on the basis of "players vorting for each other" which has always been a valuable qualitative metric as displayed by after game discussion
ideally you sit down, break the game with math, win MVP without a doubt and then just roleplay as a transexual or something in the finals
actually don't send the selection notice for our compatriot due to the unfinished project
namafia mafia tactics: ddosing the site before eod
I mean have you seen our community
It's true that whoever wins the mvp nominations to make it to the all-star game and ultimately the title is just going to be the person who did the most ass kissing
This means go and be a part of their "in-crowd" and join the discord and shit - I know we have attempted this in the past with limited success (unfortunately those players did not understand the strange customs and did not integrate well enough to get the MVP)
With this in mind maybe we should be reconsidering our strategy
Does discourse give API keys
With this in mind I believe you would make a good candidate