Magic the Gathering thread

Yeah, I started seeing the Kroxas decks in unranked before the ban. They're pretty good

It got me to plat pre ban and will likely get me to diamond

needing more bans in 2 years than 12 previous ones is a sign of incredibly inept or greedy card design

they dont playtest anymore cuz fire philsophy

fire philsophy?

F Is for Fun – Above all else, our game should be fun to play. For Play Design, fun is about interesting decisions, diverse gameplay experiences, and each game being unique. As game designers, interpreting different definitions of fun is part of the job. We strive to make cards that are fun for a wide variety of audiences.

I Is for Inviting – Our game should be accessible to many people. From Play Design's perspective, this means that formats should be accessible to newer or less enfranchised players by having resonant cards and comprehensible gameplay. It also means that a wide variety of strategies should be viable in all types of play.

R Is for Replayable – The key aspects of replayablility are balance and diversity. We try to get a wide variety of decks and strategies to about the right power level.

E Is for Exciting – Players should be excited to read cards and play with them. We want to design and cost cards so that they can inspire cool new decks and archetypes for players to build and own.
war of the spark onwards

Yeah, I agreed with that. But thank god for the bans

accessible to new players LOL that's why they keep a restricted list and make standard players buy entirely new decks every year

exciting apparently means control decks can't exist because some players get mad when they can't resolve their omnath on turn 3 and fucking run you over

last true control i remember running into in standard was dark jacekai from khans era. no playing planeswalkers and sweepers doesnt make you a control deck

i gave up on standard a long time ago and haven't looked back. i just get my gold to keep my drafts floating when i'm interested. modern might be oppressive in its speed but at least it isn't getting format warping cards every 4 months that need a ban in 2 weeks

Yeah, modern players just have to wait until MH2 next summer :slightly_smiling_face:

how do you define control? cuz the grixis deck right now is pretty controlly in my opinion

but there is a reason why counterspells are trash now
no one likes their spells being countered so wotc doesnt want people not buying packs cuz they dont want their spells countered

same with flash shit

I was in one of those moods after dnd last night first time drinking in a while . I mean you take away reactive options and it just becomes a race to who can play the biggest dumbest most broken shit fastest or who's quick enough to go under that. Control decks at least traditional ones are keeping their mana open on your turn 90% of the time and win by slamming a resilient bomb/combo or pecking away with manlands/recurring burn and card advantage.

Honestly there's a good breadth of control archetypes ranging from og's like Splinter Twin to Cruel Control to UW spreading seas. Shit you can even label some disruption style decks like 8rack or pox as control if you wanted to. Maybe my beef is just with planeswalkers and the direction they have taken the game in the last half decade

fucking tef3ri

holy shit is this what it feels like to start getting old

I mean to be fair t3f was a perfectly balanced card when fires was legal /s

WG landfall to another 7 wins. I did get four fearless fledglings and 3 prowling felidars, so it was ez. Also ashaya, though I never drew it

Finally saw a good RG deck, though. My one loss was to a RG landfall that won turn 4