Math Thread

Every section of the book has challenge problems, which I find a lot more fun. Khan academy never really dishes out problems that make you do difficult things.

There are even challenge problems in the challenge problem section

Aops is generally heralded as the best series of textbooks for learning math for everything until precalc

Aops will also make you start proving things very early on

And aops has the benefit of being a book, which sets you up to learn how to learn from books instead of lecture and I find that valuable

"alcumus" also learns your skill level and will give you problems that are supposed to challenge you.

You can set a setting to get "normal", "hard", or "insanely hard" questions as well

Bro are you getting paid by aops to shill this hard goddamn

Promo code jdance for 3% off your next aops textbook

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Wrong thread bucko

Send me them when you’re done

If you give me a PO box and promise to send them back when you're done I will

art of problem solving

I'm not selfstudying math anymore but it seems to me like Khan's the Wikipedia of that shit

I just think perusing this stuff is not v useful. the smarty thing to do would be to study math in relation to your interests or some field you want to transition to. otherwise you might as well practice something more unfamiliar that'll help fill large gaps in your skills or logic, like CS.

to that end there's a lot of guided free courses out there for people interested in specializing in a role or another and starting with that stuffs "0 to 1" content seems way more fruitful than practicing pre algebra, assuming you already studied it and don't suck at it

even if you weren't super keen on that role or didn't wanna do it as a job, you'd still leanr a ton more vs these things you're familiar with, and you'd also have a leg up on all the guys out there who soft study the same shit but haven't tried to apply any of their knowledge or work towards developing an understanding of the big pic.

polymathy is some king shit



109/3 = 36
109/9 = 12
109/27 = 4



It's 53

Oops I forgot 81. I suck.

New Challenge Problems!

Some these are tricky. Almost halfway done.