Matticus Mafia Day 1

  1. When does echo-chambering bad/null reads further town?
  2. It wasn't about avoiding me in particular but avoiding everyone (Ian was already on him)


if you're a MGTOW nihilist NEET like myself (and ONLY those that are redpilled) please respond to this post and come to my lynch defense

Can you point out the memes and blogposts?

Welcome jones.

We are lynching Klaze at the moment

  1. "when does discussing something someone did further town" ???? what are u even saying
  2. that's not how you worded it.

useless. you sure are further town here klaze

That was exactly how I worded it. I'm not sure how anyone would read it like I was praising myself.

thats not indicative of scum imo

generally speaking btw

it's not entirely. just again pointing it out incase others aren't seeing it. it doesn't hurt regardless

Only the 2 last posts about the goys were off-topic posts. It's strange that you're painting me as a "blog poster" when I'm generally one of the players posting the least amount of off-topic shit

you're not typically a blog poster aka the reason i'm not understanding it. I'm not sure where i'm painting you as a big blog poster.

I said your posts are memes/blog posts, and casting doubt.

and again you're either misunderstanding or intentionally twisting my words, which to me seems quite strange.

FYI just pointing out a lot of irrelevant shit at random white-noises the game, it doesn't "further" it.

Especially in a 15player game

that's like... your opinion dude!

i think it does. i think pointing out that someone has made around 10 posts and none of them being about the game furthers discussion. i think that's scummy or useless town, either which way it's valuable for a discussion to be had about that player.

it's like... how you spark a discussion or... something... klaze...

i'm here and i've been reading and keeping up with the topic

most of the posts thus far have been spam and shitposts

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Alright I'm back from the shop - first off, I'd like to say, this is a lot like 12 angry men, except I'm horny, and horny is better than angry

Also it is snowing outside - what the fuck?

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