Matticus Mafia Day 1

it's relative

okay sorta through it ngl i mostly skimmed that was a lot of bs

@mafiabot unlynch jones

pretty sure were still watiing on @gwez to post a pic of his nuts before this game can continue

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are these ur cats? they are v cute

How is jenanda confirmed town he's being obstructionist and is offering nothing of use

kyle pushing klaze lynch when i haven't seen klaze post anything scummy makes me suspect kyle

@mafiabot lynch kyle

Kyle only trolls when he's scum. I'm not sure how the fuck you think he's earnest with the town-circle shitposts.

ur forgettign that faz only trolls when he is scum town or third party

Like kyle spergs out at other people trolling when he's town so he gets satisfaction from doing the same thing to town when he's scum

this gewiz reply better be his medically enlarged nutsack

nobody is confirmed town. it's d1 that would be absurd

shitposts at best, a push for a contrived illusion of consensus at worst. it's scummy play.

i'll show u mine if u show me urs

no im 2 embaressed

My moms.

She gave them to me for few days so kids get to play with them

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theres an office cat here. when she comes down (shes grumpy in teh mornings) ill post pics

her name is lemishine and shes dumb af but very cute

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Player Lynches
bazingaboy Jenanda_Bollywood
gwez Kyle
kyle ian
magicmagininja Kyle
jones jones
ian Jenanda_Bollywood
Klaze Kyle
faZ Klaze
Jenanda_Bollywood ian
murs kyle
slowdive klaze

Not Voting



hmm nvm she was just hiding in a chair here u go


Klaze doesnt post scummie things as scum so look harder