Matticus Mafia Day 1

It's not me and I'm almost willing to put my neck on the line it's not kyle at this point

All you have done klaze is ask dumb questions of me.

You havnt had a single creative town thinking line while being the most active player in this game.

I have read ZERO lines from you I can be like yeah this dude cant type that as scum he must be town.

Klaze you are scum and I dont quiet give a fuck to play with incompetent people who cant see it I'll be happy end of game that I was right

I've tried to pressure 6-7 players, you could argue that only a few of them has actually felt the pressure (votes) but I can't do anything about that.

It's insane how scummy kyle has played this game.

  1. He calls me out for trolling/memeing when he's done nothing but that the entire game while patting himself on the back for reaction testing
  2. He keeps saying I'm "casting doubt" but pats himself on the back for "prodding and poking" town
  3. He regurgitates the same garbage about me not """""furthering""""" town despite trying to shit up any relevant discussion with his town circle garbage at any possible chance
  4. He keeps saying I only scumread him because he tunneled me, which is blatantly not true and the whole thing started with him sperging out because I "casted doubt" on him.

In short everything he's posted about me has been nothing but blatant lies

I don't give a fuck about spouting dumb oneliners to convince your numb brain I'm town

Klaze isn't scum faz

Are you scum, faz?


faZ: holy fuck that post could ONLY have been made by town

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I would like to Lynch faz

Or jenanda


Bitch then do something about it and stop writing a diary about it

If there is 8 morons in game who think I'm mafia then get me the fuck out

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Ian you and bazinga is what's wrong with namafia today

I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop using personal insults.

You are right I shouldn't insult people in a game. I appologize I'll just see myself out

You're also directly contradicting the way you play the game----as outlined in this (your previous post)

Thank you.

Ask your youngest how my dick tastes on your way out.

There's no way you townclear kyle after how he's played this game, he's been trying to smear his own shit on me the entire game and you haven't even questioned him once because your dumb brain picked up a oneliner 3 posts into the game

I hope you're really not playing like this and you're just scum