Matticus Mafia Day 2


Seems relatively valid. If he's one of your scum do you suspect anyone else? There are quiet a few scum left in this 10 player pool.

i have never seen someone flop this much in the span of 30 minutes how has nobody called this out

hes literally like' is it cool to lynch this guy LETS GET EM' 'is it cool to lynch this guyu?' lets get em. i wanna lynch this guy, oh u wanna lynch friend 'lets get him'

and at the same time hes criticizing me for following trains that he also followed.

also day one he did a lot of scum moves let me find the quotes but he basically did the whole

'im gong to ask other players how they feel about random shit without giving my own stance so i can know whats accepted and parrot that later'

I think you should simmer down a bit before posting friend. I will not vote you.

reading through this thread finally sry for sperging out. im probs dead but at least i can help out before i flip.

yea im calm, faz just really gets to me sometimes.

It happens

note that earlier he said talking about sk is a scum tactic and is one of his main critisims of me from day one

this is an obvious lie. he was in no threat of getting killed and is taking this game seriouly.

doesn't necessiarly mean hes scum, but he is lying.

I know your gut reaction is to attack out at faZ. But we have three scum here. Who are your three scum in your world.

I'm leaning kkat/gwez/(Ian/murs)

I really dont think it's either of you

yea i haven't made up an opnion yet im just reading stuf and quoting things that stick out to me so i can collect my thoughts. give me a few.


this screams mafia to me because its a gross overreaction to the pressure that was being put on him. this post really reads like 'oh shit i have said some dumb shit i gotta make a big reads list thats mostlhy right to seem town' and he admited it?

he said this about me and i haven't posted since. he later hard flipped on me with the same information once it seemed like there was a train he could jump on

i think friend is scum and faz is sk tbh

okay ive finished reading

gwes/faz/kyle there is a scum or sk in that group for sure

gwez is so wishy washy and just goes with the flow. he triest to stir shit up but doesn't vote in line with what he says which makes it seem like hes more jus tposting to post and not actually trying to figure stuff out

faz has gaslit me for things that he himself has done and things that other people have done more during a time when i said i woudl be afk. it is very scumlike to try and force a lhynch on someone who cant defend himself for reasons that are hypocritical and apply to other people who he townreads

kyle had a lot of heat on him d1 and then now has pretty much the least posts day 2 after that backfired on him game one. i imagine someone talked to him in chat and told him to shut up

@Roragok those are my reads.

i dont think faz is sk

he is too organized and agressive, if he were sk i think he would be playing more subdued and wouldn't have brought up sk today in my opnion.

anyways yall were conned just because i was afk.

there are 2 mafia lhynching me currentlhy, its why i have not yet been hammered. lets look in that pool.

@mafiabot vc