Matticus Mafia Day 2

not me. i can't be salty. the one and only good bullet you've got is the one i handed you.

i still think open claims would've helped narrow down the field and help mafia dig their own graves, but you've done a bang up job of that on your own

Who else are you going to finger today? Not many people left that you haven't.

this has been addressed.

it's the same tiresome horseshit from both of you

there is no credible case to make the argument that i am just fishing for a lynch. my behavior throughout this thread does not support that theory at all. the closest i have come to joining a train has been being the third lynch on Friend and i removed that lynch when the extremely scummy murs placed his to avoid a premature hammer.

i'm town. anyone who reads my exchanges with you and with friend and is not retarded will see that i am town. you just make it increasingly clear that you are not engaging with this game in good faith. and i can't hold that against you

cause your mafia

i'm turning in for the night. luckily i don't have any obligations tomorrow before eod so i'll be back in time to lynch.

that is assuming kkat doesn't manage to convince everyone of the imminent threat of the (((eternal gwez))) and get me hammered lol

but i'm not too worried

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this makes a lot of sense to me


if nyte is uncc'd PR then i'm just sheeping her.

This is a scumtell because it is not full retard to vote friend given his (well established) pattern to afk mafia.

Does that mean we should hammer him when he’s present and making his case? No, quite the opposite.

But I suppose you would be sensitive to someone getting voted on suspicion of afk mafia

Don’t worry guys I’m not a townclear I’m just a townlean, right gwez?

The sad news is that no one has really cleared themselves for me, and no one is even trying to.

Oh I guess I can’t say that. I can say kyle and murs put out something.

I’m just not sure how I feel about it.

Murs sk kyle scum?

Faz scum murs sk? Kyle.... on spring break and not sober?

just tell me where to put my lynch

nyte what the fuck

Kylr its fucking the night time and some people go to sleep instead of watching ben shapiro videos all night.

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What if rora is mafia :)

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Player Lynches
KrazyKat gwez
magicmagininja faz
Friend faz
Roragok KrazyKat
ian Friend
faZ Friend

Not Voting



@mafiabot lynch krazykat