Matticus Mafia Signups

People can still get points in GY votes

because if you're evaluating skill on a sole basis of "win or lose" a "good player" for town doesn't do town things, they just skirt by until their vote is worth more in the later game and then win the game then

@mafiabot slist

Signed Players



the set of morons that live and die by "win or loss is the only metric" and then purport retardation like "good players dies to nk1" d1

yes let's have votes in graveyard where you can communicate and bounce ideas off eachother.

no that's a bad idea

Been a while since I've seen faZ and Roragok in a game together. This should be interesting

@Roragok make passionfortrains unsign. he's banned from mafia i believe

You don't believe that at all you're just trying to lie.

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pretty sure you cheated last time

Funny intentional ignorance to what actually happened and has been explained several times :attention:

GY voting is an absolutely horrible idea since it rewards people for dying

i really don't think anyone actually cares what happened.

there was cheating. you were involved.

you and the other goys ruin every fucking game you sign.

I was not involved. Jdance and Nmagane were involved. You're really unobservant and quite dim-witted so it's not surprising the reality of the situation is skewed and reversed now.

Actually even worse, it rewards people for not signing games at all, because it's far easier to spot out correct reads from a bystanders perspective

If benny is allowed to play then might be fun.

Then dont have a GY but give ability for dead to vote?

don't let benny sign.

why is this a fucking thing every damn time. last time they played literaly everyone wanted them to be banned from mafia and yet here we are.

I am allowed to play: I wasn't able to play last game due to player capacity: I messaged Roragok about being a sub and he responded positively.


The last ten times have just been Nmagane as Dan took three months to ban him.