Media apparatus stretching to

Timezone issue - but it’s pretty obvious that you’re just delusional and are trying to bite off more than you can chew.
You didn’t “introduce me” to one of the most common Tricks in psychology. I have been playing mafia for years.

Dismissal of evidence.

The audience boos

I’m glad I don’t rely on it like a broken record. Then accuse others of being robots.

You’re definitely right, though. I didn’t notice you using it until you started posting your stuff in other threads. I concede that you were using it on this forum before I did.

You rely on many other things like a broken record unfortunately.

You’re definitely right, though. I didn’t notice you using it until you started posting your stuff in other threads. I concede that you were using it on this forum before I did.

This took courage

Unfortunately is a word you stole from me.

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Search it I know it for a fact

Classic “turning the tables”.

Exhibit A.

Are you saying that because he looks like a zoo animal?

i look like evidence

Your post is evidence of how you repeat yourself - while I discuss a different topic in each thread.

Many things are linked and many times multiple threads are made about almost the same things, though.


You guys know the flashbacks where Mr Ekko was a young boy and his father was teaching him to snap a chickens neck in Africa and Mr Ekko was very hesitant at first and wouldn’t do it but grew up to be a stoic force of nature? Reminds me of nmagane. Just because they are both from 3rd would countries

you do see the irony in this picture? how obstinate your posts have been?

Mr Ekko got owned by the smoke monster


I never watched lost but im a big fan of hcinua achebe.