
turn it off

Stopped playing with the introduction of the whitelist from krazykat

Hi Guys,

I’m sorry it had to come to this but I have to be real with you guys. I am quitting Minecraft. Please give all of my items to Dota Kyle and destroy my buildings so they can never harm anybody ever again.

Thank you,


I’ll prob be taking them offline next week.

ask @anon75925521 if he would like to be whitelisted so he can go and fix dotakyle’s redstone designs before the server gets taken down

I logged in attempting to satiate my Minecraft needs and I noticed that not only was the server down on Roragoks end but I also discovered that Wintermute has griefed my base once more, this is honestly sickening and disgusting behavior from him. The issues we had are now months old but he still continues to grief my hard work?

Alright, thats one fucking step too far. Is a 6 month ban or a year ban appropriate for this

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Where is the proof?

There is no proof it was me. It could’ve been kooky kat that griefed your base and you are getting me banned for no reason

You can’t ban me there is no proof

I'd say probably a two year ban. What he did to my base would take me anywhere from 8 and a half minutes to 19 days to repair, honestly that sort of griefing should not be tolerated and we should honestly probably more than likely should just p;robably ban Wintermute.


The proof is my word, which as we've all discovered via this thread is worth more than anything. We've all established that I do not lie and only ever tell the purer whole complete 100% truth.

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Its true, Alightsoul is a snake


imagining the day i meet asoul irl and when my back is turned he stabs me through the heart so no one can know his true identity

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lets just say theres a good reason why alightsoul was able to go back and forth in arabic with kzz

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Let’s just say there’s a reason Osama’s “body” was “buried” at sea

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Delete these posts

i must say that these osama jokes seeem failry accruate..

We weren’t joking…