seems to be a reoccurring theme for kaptainkringe
someone took your lane? You should have broke your items to show him who was boss!
You can castigate me for being "attention seeking" "waah waah" or whatever on here for your "namafia social points", but once one looks at quantifiable metrics (DOTA GAMEPLAY), it's obvious that I am the outright most least-attention seeking of all. There is not a single game where I relentlessly feed and ruin because I'm "bored" or "someone took my lane". I just abandon the game like an adult.
you've actually never abandoned a game with me unless you count your computer being unable to start the game
moreover no one on this forum could withstand the sheer amount of Linux Issues I have and maintain the level of composure and tact I do.
The only issue in this argument is that you are conflating a video game with real life (the forum)
Using two-dollar words doesn't make your (shitty) argument any better.
For example; Robert just now in this game we're in fed a rapier and wrote "This is for Ukraine" because we had russians on our team.
That's not attention seeking, that's enjoying the game.
I would imagine you would inflate "the forum" to "real life" considering your "real life" is pathetic and asinine.
I don't know what words I used are Two Dollar. Sorry I'm not American so all words to me are equal, I don't pride myself in ignorance and failure like your culture promotes...
We're queuing next if you want to join.
I am AFGC (Away From Gaming Computer).
Malcontent? I am the most content person I know.
im good on brendan flaming me for 'taking his farm' as i push into tier 3's while he farms small camp and the enemy 5 mans our rax
In addition; Going out of your way to be "social" and forcing yourself into disingenuous socialization does not make you more "socially well adjusted".
I have a proven track record of being the most socially successful in every social activity I partake in - the same could not be said for you.
You need to understand he is literally me 8 years removed
You literally behave like i did 2 months ago
You behave like i did 10 years ago, you will understand when you grow up
All the mods are lame.