Moderator Action Logs

Toprak needs all the help he can get hahahahaha.


we all do, man, we all do

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I haven't. Believe it or not the moral positions I express on the website are positions I actually hold and in general I am pretty good about keeping to them. Maybe there are some exceptions and I would be curious if you could dig one up but I really believe you have a very twisted view of me and need to reconsider/figure out what's going on in your brain

Also you are already shifting goalposts FYI. I'll allow it though lmao find something I said that is anywhere in the realm of KYS

I really genuinely believe when I say things like "we are a community of friends here now"

My experience on the site in the time period you're describing (6 months to a year) has been one of hanging out with friends - and yes, busting balls or joking around sometimes in ways that test the boundaries of what is acceptable in the normal social world. But for me underneath there is a general good vibe - people are good-natured here now in a way they weren't a few years ago

That is why I take issue with this guy returning and acting the way he did a few years ago, because i think it made the site a very unpleasant and bad vibes place. And I am sure you can dig up from that time some shit I said that wasn't kind or said with good intentions. But you are saying directly that I have said something like "kill yourself" to people in the last 6 months.

Which I really doubt is the case because I haven't felt that way on this site at any point in the last 6 months (including right now with this "person who is definitely not ewiz"). Even if I get frustrated at anyone here I still consider them friends and have good intentions toward them. I wouldn't want anyone to kill themselves.

Tbh I wouldn't want people I don't consider friends/have some sort of enmity with to kill themselves either. It's not what I believe in. And that is a moral position I am willing to stand behind

It’s true he hasn’t said it

Probably thinks it all the time tho

Lol. Nah.


Jokes aside I am super opposed. Like there are certain things in my life that I don't share here but if I did it would be clear this is something I simply don't believe you say to people.

I believe you have to be deeply sick to be going around saying that stuff to random people on the internet. Even thinking or feeling it.




I have no problem with. I will even say those words to people in the real world. I said that in front of a bunch of friends/gf a week ago. "These glasses make me look like a ■■■■■■ " or something

But if I hear my colleague say like "I'd probably kill myself if I had to work on another project like that" that makes me pause. Like wtf is wrong with this guy

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man i tell people to kill themselves all the time

The censorship is just powerplay by epok. Just ignore them.

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You've got some issues.

Epok actually removed the access to the page where you can set what words are censored on the site (as a mod)

When I was still moderating ewiz (the guy claiming not to be ewiz) I was going to go in there and put "kys" on the list (just like Rora put "■■■■■■ " on it originally after getting annoyed by his many "Shut up ■■■■■■ " posts)

So I have no idea what's censored / what words are allowed or not allowed

There is a thing where you can set certain words to not even submit the post I believe. Forget what word was on there but I think I recall it being something IAAFR added

how long have you been on the internet for ive been telling people and been told for probably 20 years now to kys

Congratulations @nyte -- you are no longer the biggest loser on the forum!

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Ur the biggest loser

Thank you guys for being my friends.

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it is laughable how you paint yourself to be such a goodly person, and quite empathetic.

you are possibly the most self absorbed person here - who thinks that they are benevolent. most of the other people simply don't care about being selfish or self absorbed one way or the other. but you push out the idea that you're something better than that. and it's your notion of chumminess that presides. fucking barf.

I think you have some major issues and tired of talking with you about this

I said my piece and I meant what I said