Palestinians are maybe the biggest victims of capitalism. It's a tradegy that will go down in history books.
No it won't because America will rewrite the history books a generation later to demonize them.
Have you met many Palestinians in Dublin?
We are probably the country that is most vocally in support of Palestine.
i should really sit down and read about the recent history of the region, as an American I could not be more ignorant
aight ban open your textbook to 5,000 bc
i jest but that's part of what makes the area hard for westerners especially americans to care or keep up to date on is how ancient the history and peoples of the area is. it's a lot more than just borders although in palestine's case that is a big part
it's true, but i could do a better job. my view is super stereotypical, especially when you factor in my geography understanding on top. I can't really tell you what the fuck that area even looks like.
there would be no problems in the world if the west didn't backstab the kurds. 4 times
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