Monkey pox

My average restaurant tip is something like 35-45 dollars

very cool!

I am also a generous tipper but I still think it’s fundamentally a ■■■■■■■■ concept

it should be a reward for excellent service in specific situations not an expectation regardless of service with some bullshit stigma attached to it

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Social score will ultimately be implemented in the form of a blockchain

also delivery places didn’t used to charge a $5 fucking ‘delivery fee’

It started in 2008 with the gas price increases and stayed

well it’s gay and I hate it

You think pizza places are bad? Doordash is like $8

I know it’s stupid as fuck

Doordash doesn't even turn a profit

Granted they're not yet supposed to. Growth companies focus on growth. They could probably be profitable if they wanted

the other night I had to ‘pull out front and wait’ for my McDrivethru food, only to see about 5 other people also waiting

at 1 am

then a skip the dishes dude walks out with a massive hiking backpack full of food, and only then does our shit start coming out


I hope all those apps fucking die

It's not delivery apps fault you had to wait 30 minutes. The employees are just bad

no it literally is. they get priority even if their orders are placed later, it gets bumped to the front

there’s been a massive and noticeable change ever since that shit became popular

That is definitely not true

in my area it is

Proof ?

how could I possibly prove that