Monkey pox

We should not allow the massacre of the 99% so the 1% don’t have to be a bit uncomfortable

It's contributing directly to the downfall of your nation, if that is okay with you to keep your morals and principles then all the power to you.

The 99% are the ones that are struggling in today's America. the 1% will never be affected by economical or social factors.

yeah if you turn a nuanced issue into a black and white emotionally manipulative issue it seems really simple


Yes the hypothetical you are speaking of is already occurring, I offered a solution earlier of yearly culling but that of course will not work and killing babies is not an option however tempting

the 99% has been cannibalizing itself, nothing will ever be done to stop the 1% until this ends.

the fact you made this thread yet are dodging discussing any of the actual nuances of abortion is so fucking pathetic dude

The 99% are roasties going to the club and having unprotected sex, the 1% are rape babies

I didn’t make this thread

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word for word copy pasted rhetoric from /pol/

do you even have a single unique opinion?

you @d me

Yes, I don't want these roasties to raise children, and I don't want these children to be raised in orphanages or sold to a gay man either.
I'd rather send the child straight to heaven - and let the woman go to hell.

Huh? I just showed you the statistics and math earlier of how I got to that number

You guys are still going at it lol


Nice job of redefining the facts, I didn’t make this thread

dont @ me and then be a fucking pussy when it comes to discussion the ambiguous parts of abortion

There’s nothing ambiguous, is it baby killing or not?

do you think pregnancies that have a large risk of killing the mother should be carried?

how about ones where the baby has a horrific condition and will die in agony before the age of 5

do you think it’s a good thing for 5 people to jam through something the vast majority of people don’t want

5 unelected people mind you