Monkey pox

Different country tho

seeing how zoomers play out growing up in the age of social media will be interesting. hell some of them have baby pictures up on shit before they could even talk and are just expected to be ok with it

And given the scale of the study it sounds more survey based than like something dependent on regular psych visits to actually confirm anything

no, every person within Finland has to join the military and they do it there.

actually htat might be wrong

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that might be from a fradulent race and IQ graphic

Their country has a fucking mental health hub to get you fully covered appts with a therapist what equivalent do we have

1800 suicide?

Psychology and therapy is literally a scam

Data on socio-demographic factors were retrieved from annual population registries covering the entire population of Finland between 1987 and 2018. The Causes of Death register, maintained by Statistics Finland, provided mortality dates in addition to their underlying and contributory causes (International Classification of Diseases, ICD-8, -9 and -10; 1969–2017; coverage >99%).21 Individuals diagnosed with psychiatric disorders and substance-use disorders were identified from the Care Register for Health Care, maintained by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, which includes inpatient-care episodes (ICD-8, -9 and -10; 1969–2017) and specialist outpatient visits (ICD-10; 1998–2017) but not primary-care visits or care provided by smaller private clinics.22 The specialist outpatient-care data are routinely collected from all publicly funded secondary care providers, including hospitals and other specialist clinics.22 The Prescription Drug Register, maintained by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, provided data on all prescription drug purchases in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system (1995–2018). All criminal arrests recorded by the police authorities since 1996 were derived from registers maintained by Statistics Finland. We were restricted to annual arrest dates, which we set to 31 December for each year.

if you mean china they haven't had a conscription military since their civil war


So they used previous records form parents as markers for whether or not the kid would have mental problems

Do you see any problems with this, specifically in regards to the society that the study is based within?

Working with therapists and psychologists and shit has confirmed to me that it is 100% a scam

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this is a completely homogenous population dude, I fail to see the issue.

It's pretty well documented that Finnish society struggles with recognizing mental illness

so you're saying in the hardcore episodes of mental illness they do find they find no statistical correlation of poverty with psychopathy, violent crime but if you include minor depression you would?

If their parents have no record of previous I'llness and it's documented in their kid the study is 'true' without being accurate

First of all the study doesn't discount the relationship and secondly there's plenty of mentally ill people without records and it's clear that those who have would likely pass on their traits as they've passed some threshold

designer bebes

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