My intentions laid bare

As a caveat it would have all of my posts highilghted and moved to the top of the thread

We’ve argued on like 5 different points today, can we just wait for tmr to start the next one

My eyes are sore T___T


how do I sign up for shady ad networks?

i support this

you javascript fags know how I can get the ad networks that serve malicious garbage right

wintermutes right I just should proxy namafia.con on my own webpage, rewrite all the links on the page, and then place a big fucking ad on top

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im taking a fucking nap


Hear, hear. Jones would make a great SUPER ADMIN.

@SOPHIE seems like there might be a mutiny

Idea: Open-source front-end that anyone can edit to just ruin the fucking site

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Why does dan get to have all the fun

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When you wake up, mind laying bare access to your profile?

I will scrape namafia post data, load it into a different site, and give it to The Goy Club: The Site’s Great Resource for Ruining Things

Condition: div posts hidden
Condition: Ewiz posts emboldened in red, alternating caps, across the top of the page

User story: user visits, user tries to open thread, user gets random download which he does not know what it was, user sees Ewizzes Latest Expulsions scroll across screen (bright red), user sees ALERT: WINDOWS WILL SHUT DOWN; user closes alert, user sees ALERT: WINDOWS WILL SHUT DOWN again,

user hears polka music.

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its actually alert(“you have been hacked by kzz”)

Ill try and have this ready to go by April 1st

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