My intentions laid bare

What kind of car

Did this really just happen

Actually ixnay that it’s fucking epok.

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lmao lookin like im driving my parents car

it’s ok I drive an 8 year old ford

I need to get my fucking oil changed

Is there any reason why this ugly fucking sod is alive

wow that was kinda sad to watch

good stuff dude

I couldn’t watch more than like 2 minutes of that

not because it was too sad just because it was boring

i was holding out hope for some sort of baby geniuses scenario

yeah I wish he was like that baby from who framed roger rabbit and he was sitting on that show telling the hosts how he banged their mom like a true 13 year old but instead he’s just some disabled freak

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angus wants to die. you can tell he is saying shoot me, put me out of my misery the best he can.

pistol, trigger pull straigh to the head. I feel bad for him. he aint saying hello hes saying kill me please.

The pressence of gun fingaz does not necessarily indicate a desire to commit suicide. Det boi is jus wylin out.


i saw a video of angus in a pool, actually seems to be happy.