how fucking insecure are you?
i mean you're incapable of taking a photo without hiding half your face with the phone like an ACTUAL high school girl, so i'm guessing you're pretty insecure
go take it out on someone else you manipulative piece of shit
fuck you
fuck your website. let it die
i'm gone
imagine being in your 30s or whatever the fuck you are and talking like a high school girl in a group chat
yeah it's hard to gank mid when you lose the safelane every game
This guy is spending his money on drugs
you're not nearly as good at reading people as you think you are and you over estimate your own intelligence
having a good work ethic and being good at math doesn't make you a supergenius
good luck
i enjoyed your posts
shoutout to KrazyKat and Osiris, the only two actual decent human beings on the entire fucking website.
have fun guys.
you'll be fine without me, i'm sure. your website totally won't die or anything.
just remember that when your website dies, this post was the reason why
Kat is a midwit redditor lightweight "le epic online nazi" - Don't let him get to your head.
Dan epok on the other hand has no views or opinions on anything and I don't think he has any idea what's going on, he barely reads the site anyways.
I don't know why Dan acts the way he does, but it seems like he gets on the forum once a day to post a burst of 10 posts in random threads then never opens it again.
For example: last mafia game he made 2 posts total in 2 in-game days.
He simply doesn't give a shit anymore, and thinks it's cool to give retarded twitter-level right wingers (Kat/Alightsoul) moderator and let them do whatever they want.
I think the reason he didn't respond to your post was because he was "busy", he acts as if he's constantly busy and doesn't have time for some reason, but never says why - most of the time he just posts pictures of himself drinking or hanging out with his boyfriend. - it makes no sense quite honestly.
I wonder how many times he has Gay Sex a week.
@SOPHIE I hope you at least unmod these people before we end up losing more members.
@Insom was probably the single most valuable poster of the last few months and you alienated him through your carelessness.
@kat oh my god youre so funny. I hate ■■■■■■■ too loll... georg floyd was sooo addict to fentel. hahahaha. black people so stupid
Brother it was a joke