Its so funny that the gayest cityt in NA outside Vancouver donst like me. The brown banned me from his sheize in toronto xD and i pay sweatshop pennies to make my thangs function kek

imagethe brown banned me front toornto lans xD # plasma

Advanced Qualifiers Live

Semi finals. Waiting for opponent

finals now

ahhh lose in the finals gg

And knocked out of main qualities wtf lol gotta figure something out for this season now

damn plasma you sponsored an IM team?

They just didn't click. 3 top 50 players and 2 top 300 players.

On paper, monsters. They didn't click unfortunately


I picked up a new team in Advanced, they had something worked out with a clothing brand and I got the brand to pay for everything so im gonna get free swag and my shit paid for now xD

$0.38 and season hasent even started yet #plasma

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panhandling generated more revenue unfortunately

King of the HIll was right

You would be better off spinning signs.

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Lol I wish I had enough money when I started for my own internet and a good enough computer when I started this for streaming.

Panhandling makes more yeah

nobody would watch you even if you had the worlds best setup