my suggestion to you, throw away practicing any strats beyond just knowing what util to throw for basic site takes with smokes and just go crazy practicing your aim

like hit the deathmatch server non stop, the aim_bots, the retakes server, whatever you gotta do because your aim and spray control needs to be really good when compared to just the average CS MM shitter. if you just try to practice strats with your team but the aim isn't there then you will get shit on because it doesn't matter how many smokes and pop flashes you know when the guys youre playing against can just shoot you in the face better than you can shoot them

Lol some good players just farm open for the prize pool. But a lot of teams can get promoted to intermediate with like 2 wins in the playoffs just try to go 7w7L you might make it


It used to be if you won like 1 game in playoffs you would make IM. We made IM like every season we played open but then the team would disband and we would play the season after so we kept just playing open and making playoffs repeatedly

yeah or that lol

Open payout is higher than i thought ti would be but i imagine getting 1st is like ur getting paid a buck an hour and thats just if you get rewarded

Beats esea o for tf2 in 2013. First would get you enough split to fill up your gas tank

It's good enough if you are good and just want to farm with no practice

i've been doing a lot of aimbots dming etc as well as pugging, but we also have the time to learn at least some strats. im not gonna tell them not to, the guys love cooking up strats in google docs its part of what they enjoy about the game. but yeah i wasn't expecting us to do great, i knew it would be tough, we're doing better each game + it gave us some pretty easy oppos for week 5 and 6 i think it starts to match you with other poor performing teams

we're def approaching it as a learning/improving season, we just thought it would be a good way to find potential scrim partners and get the kinda practice you cant really get just pugging or 5stacking. we're aiming to be a competitive team by next season. we have one level 8 already and a couple dudes close to level 7, we're not terrible by any stretch

yeah, i think it does, i remember we would go like 7-0 and then get matched up with other teams who were like 7-0 also and the games would get much harder, probably the opposite if you get shit on early on in the season

you guys should all be level 10 or capable of getting to 10 with a moderate grind

and by capable i just mean you might have a dude who doesn't really pug that much but he's good enough to be 10 if he just played pugs

this is all assuming you actually want to win games and make it to playoffs, this season might be a wash already unless you blow out your remaining games but for next season. i would seriously just grind pugs and try to get better mechanics, aim, and game sense when it comes to positioning and rotations because thats all getting level 10 really takes

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grind pugs on top of aim training

what really made it click for me was talking to that guy bogdan in a surf server (the bogdans law guy) and I asked him how he got to rank S in esea and was queuing with pros and he said all he did was work on his aim to get there and that was pretty much it. he just did aim training nonstop until he was clicking heads like crazy. hearing him say that brought me up from like an average esea rank c or b- player to rank A in like a couple months because all I did was practice aim training

thats the plan for me and also why i gave up igling

nice yeah i practice my aim every day even if i don't play

Watch nade line ups on YouTube. Also your season should gtlet better as you go because it will match you with shittier teams the more you lose

at lower levels the guy who knows his smoke lineups is pretty important