NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

god i wish i could

I don’t go on 4chan very often and if I do I go on /o/ you dumb loser

Please kill yourself it will make everyone’s life better around you

I have no idea what that is

you say that with such confidence please stop stalking me

Why are you saying /fa/ then? Do you not even know what that is?

Tfw you would have to use a wheelchair to wither down to your goal weight.

Thats the fashion board

So /o/ is the automobile board you dumbass

I don’t remember any of that. I remember transportation and ck though I readily admit

Kill yourself loser

It’s still around you can go look at it right now


Please you’re so annoying and gay with your unironic communist shit

then why dont you leave??

Did daddy pay for your liberal arts education

no not really

Did daddy pay your rent while you got your liberal arts degree? You just got 80k in student loans to get it right

no i pay rent to my parents sorry
also thats the wrong degree and amount