can we end the strawmans yet
oh please educate me on your life on how wonderful it is living with your parents in your 20s
why you creep
(Loser communist tells me the benefits of communism as he lives with his parents and gets a degree in gender studies)
youre gonna try to kill me cause daddy bombed a lightbulb factory in vietnam to stop the commies
You were suckered into buying veblen goods lmao
What does this even mean it doesn’t even make sense you’re literally brain damaged from anti depressants
Lmao check out this retarded commes des garcons play shirt!!! I am cool
big retard mad I fucked a 36 year old and she bought me a bunch of clothes
wrong degree again and i said i pay rent
the system works. I used my body to get expensive clothes
Paying rent to your parents is way different than living on your own but keep justifying it. How old are you again?
Communism is bad (self.Findom)
Dude you’re actually dumb if you think communism is good
i seriously can’t velieve so many of you retards are together in one forum
You could call me dumb all you want. I would exercise my politburo influence to have the secret police murder you
wow nice meme