NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

The thing is that ewiz is literally arguing that you can’t have an opinion that communism isn’t the right choice without reading a bunch of garbage 1900s discarded populist rambling (aka “mountains of theory by some of the greatest philosophical minds of all time” - never mind the fact that the mountain of actual evidence- practical, real world data- seems directly opposed to this and it’s a contentious isssue so of course there are mountains of philosophy supporting either side

The bottom Bohr quote (pasted below) is particularly damning to the “throw philosophy out the window because science” viewpoint:

“There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature.”

You’re a complete fucking retard that doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Stay in your lane

You know there’s an entire field of study - called economics - which is designed to study these things and has progressed beyond the garbage you’re recommending people read - and the people in this field are consistently more fiscally conservative than the average in the population

the only well-read people who are communists in this day and age are like people who give lectures about the work of jrr tolkein and people who unironically worship zizek

so you are in good company

I literally dont give a fuck what you think you know after going to school and reading some preachy nimwit drone on about the oppression of the middle class

All you have to do is look around you with your eyes wide open to see that financial incentives are key driving factors in people’s everyday decision making and capitalism has risen to the top for very good reason

when concerning ideologies that have the potential to impact the lives on everyone on the planet im going to lean towards historical fact on what has happened when implementing similar tactics before. do you mind showing me an example of communism where quality of life actually improved for the majority of people? because capitalism DOES have this track record. no one gives a fuck about muh “never done properly” because it wont ever be done properly due to the innate nature of corruption. oh and if you think “just overthrow the govt if it becomes corrupt” is a viable solution in the age of drones cropdusting waves of retarded rebels you are being ignorant

No offense.

Yeah, no. Modern economics is a bastardized discipline which takes as it’s axioms those of capital, so it prevents true criticism of capital by definition. Critical economic theory was driven out of that school in academia and into philosophy and sociology many years ago

"In capitalist systems, capitalist incentives work, so capitalism is obviously the best."

You're a complete fucking ape

Valid, yet retarded


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Oh yes, the "but it's human nature" argument. Read a fucking book

Consider that you’re simultaneously telling people to read a bunch of dusty mothball philosophers while also discarding an entire field of science and stop for a second to appreciate the irony in that

how about you look around in every single communist system to ever actually most of them ended up failing because of corruption or just being used as masquerades for dictatorships

No, I’m not discarding it. I’ve read the fundamental texts. I’ve taken the classes. I’m saying that to be able to have this argument, you need to have education on both sides. And economics is not a scientific discipline, no matter how much the economists try to dress it up as one

Consider also that the field you’re discarding is grounded in practical data and analysis whereas your suggested counter-point reading material is pure theory and like 100 years old

the only communist system i can think of that wasnt a gigantic fucking disaster was the shitty little mormon town that ran on a pure communism system but even that ended up failing due to it not being sustainable

don’t think anybody ever denies this

That’s a great point. Marxism-Leninism gave way to Stalinism