NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Anyways does anyone here wish beer was free

sometimes i ferment my own urine to make budlight

no I had a single beer last night and it fucked my sleep real badly

ML is also fucking retarded, and Lenin backed down from communism in the later years of his reign. He even called his system “state capitalism,” so…

That’s how taxes should work. You get beer coupons and then you choose how many of them you can spend or keep as regular money

Also consider that supporting communism in this day and age is Un-American - you are failing in your duty to your country by posting this

Economic analysis is not scientific. They take axioms, then perform analysis, but don’t properly evaluate the validity of taking on those axioms, nor the consistency.

Every communist state so far has a 1% politburo and a 99% of proletariat workers

The worst thing about economics is how the Austrian school was able to save graces in chicago

directly implements communism from the guy that fucking wrote the book on communism abandons it anyway fucking gee i wonder why maybe its fucking retarded and unsustainable hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I remember having this discussion with ewiz before and his ideal society was one modeled after tribal villages in the South American rain forest where people run around hunting deer and eating magic mushrooms

Oh yeah, ML is definitely a direct implementation of Marxism… Read a fucking book

Not an ideal. Just an example of complex societies existing without capitalist structures

They attempted to implement it but in practice it does not work and is doomed to fail

ml is probably the closest ur going to fucking get to a real life implementation of marxism also im waiting for ur dumbass to give me an example of a large scale society existing without capitalistic ideas and structures this argument is pointless because all you do every time a valid point is made is say loooooooooooooooool go read a book meanwhile the literature on communism is not only from a drastically different time it didnt even fucking function in the time period it was implemented in

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all you do is run around in circles shitting out the same non valid arguments over and over again until everyone else gets annoyed and gives up and you proclaim yourself the winner for not being disproven like what is this shit acually

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You are actually fucking retarded and have no idea what you’re talking about

Communist supporters are like evangelical religious fanatics. It works because it’s in the book. Have you read the Bible? If you read the Bible you would see that it’s correct

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You haven’t made a valid argument that I can respond to, mostly because you don’t understand what you’re arguing against. You need some basic fucking knowledge before I can even hope to engage you

haha i did it guys my only defense is saying the other person is retarded then trying to top them by saying more retarded shit myself l0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000