NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

I don’t think socialism is an enemy of capitalism. I think of it as a way for those who have nothing to at least exist and participate. My friends in Germany gripe just as much as I do when some bitch has a new car because her parents are doctors

Reformism doesn’t solve the root issues: it just exports them to a different nation. Capitalism fundamentally relies on a pool of free (as in flowing, not as in $0) labor, which means there must always be a pool of unemployed and poorly paid to support the system

Name one democracy where the will of the whole people, not some exceptional ones, controls the government

Slowdive I don’t want to be hurtful here because you know we are good buds

But capitalism relies on people generating value for society and immediately gives them feedback on that value they are generating (via capital)

This is why you, personally, and some others in this thread don’t like it.

What makes you think that in communism a person who isn’t generating sufficient value isn’t similarly a burden on society and is thus contributing to a broken system which is no longer providing him immediate feedback (via capital) on the value he generates

that doesn’t sound desirable in any case

look, the argument of communism never being done correctly is a valid one because every single instance of it failed due to some other factor, however, im going to pull out my faggot trump card
the burden of proof of communism being a viable sustainable alternative to capitalism is on the person arguing for it
there is a reason the Bolsheviks made criticizing communism an illegal act that came with jail time

populism is still a symptom of the influence of capital

Let’s divert this thread to a real big brain take:

Capitalism has never been done correctly.

ok, this is epic

The Paris Commune. C-Squat. Multiple blocks of high rise apartment squats in Germany. Gift economics in pre-Columbus South American civilizations. Go fuck yourself, there’s plenty of examples

I agree. Right now capitalism is like one of those wc3 cs:s servers. We need to be more like competitive CS:S where everyone is issued a glock or a USP

Hey I’m pretty much with you on this

no. I don’t value any person based on their value or capital, ever in any way.


Just chillin at c-squat with my homies anyone got a dollar so I can go get a 40oz from the liquor store

They rebuilt a fucking apartment building that was rotting. It’s been around since the late 80’s

smoking crizack at c-squat playin music

C-Squat has a much longer and larger history than LoC’s association with it

I think the solution to rapid advances in technology outpacing human abilities and skillsets is making training (for humans) more available and accessible and giving people better opportunities to improve their contributions to the world and standings in life - both for young people just starting out and for older people who are finding themselves outpaced by Skynet

I think Joe Biden said the same thing but with flowery “America is so great also Im running for pres in 2020” vibes

iyo should there be a hard salary and or networth cap (maybe an application system for exceptions requiring stayement of intent)