NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

My apartment is very clean.

My apartments usually pretty messy

it was messy in 2014 looked ace recently though

u best listen to Peterson

Disrespecting prb smh yns’ join date is showing

prb can do no wrong and is the most woke among us

I dont know if I have it in me to be able to say I know for sure how the world should be organized, but I am pretty confident that dismissing marx because of stalin is ahistorical.

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am i the only one that finds it extremely funny that Claire millionaire McCaskill pivoted hard right for the midterms and still lost her seat to a maga-chud fraudster

i figured this thread would get increased attention during the midterms but didnt think it would be this bad

Fuck you!

Why do u want it to be nazis vs commies like world war 2?

Nazis killed more btw get owned commie

blatt blatt we killin russians like nothin over here on the eastern front

that’s like a 2:1 kda

still lost tho

not really, from a centrist position both sides of the far right and left died in massive numbers creating a net win for me and my fellow big brained centrists

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Get some

delete this dumb thread