NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Don’t mind jdance he’s just a little edgy from being antagonized


I see a place where you can improve then

Instead of improving myself I choose to improve society

I wouldn’t push him if I were you… he might do something… drastic

In this thread

Politics is for fucking homos

So long as you’re not in a concentration camp it’s fine just work on what you can change

Your brain will adjust. It’s what it’s good at. It’s why we are top of the food chain.

You’re really fucking dumb

This is wrong. Take the IQ test

I don’t know about you but past visits to our camp by sabretooth tigers have given me Hella anxiety and I need to practice more self care… tf you talking about top of the food chain bullshit

Lol we are way above sabertooth tigers. You aren’t though because you’re a fat out of shape retard with no hunting capabilities

I nearly tamed that ur-mustelid before the sabretooths got it

Of course one human probably won’t beat a sabertooth shark in a battle. But neither will one cell of the world’s deadliest virus. It’s a team battl

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Youre definitely trying to make fun of my siberian-steppe haplogroup and our adipose tissue

Im well adapted to my late ice age habitat its just that these sabretooths are Problematic AF

I guarantee you that I’m at the top of the list of nsas potential recruit list. They’re just waiting for my family to die so I can have nothing left and enlist

Well im carving little dick shapes in some mammoth tusk scrimshaw and boy is the NSA going to have a lot of trouble decipehring that

It’s gonna be a fucking Field Day for htem