NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Duhh women get maternity leave and bennies

I think we as a society underappreciate the emotional and physical trauma of the father during pregnancy

Imagine: you just watched the woman you love have a little alien demon thing burst out of her vagina and you are supposed to go back to life as normal the next day - no therapy, no doctors asking how you’re doing, nobody offering to run out and get you chocolate ice cream

Women have it easy during pregnancy

Don’t forget the 9 months leading up to it where the man is expected to be the woman’s gopher and personal maid.

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Yes. Its absolutely disgusting!

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Eat the bootyhole 6mos prengant

What a great movie. Im like not even surprised that Obama referenced it, such a Chicagoan thing to do lmao

Im a little late on posting this but its official 4chans a part of the Yang gang so they can continue meme shitposting for UBI lmao


I’m part of the #YangGang now. Get the kikes out of the WH


you’re telling me I can get a THOUSAND neet bux a month just for voting??

  • yang
  • gang

0 voters

sad that he doesnt support neet lifestyles but w/e

damn this idleness thing is so fucking real wth

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I just watched like 30 mins of that

It’s actually hilarious

Like this is so clearly the next fucking Russian web-ops propaganda but if it brings even half the amusement the trump campaign did I’m all for it

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I didn’t watch it, what about it’s Russian web ops-like?