NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

nothing he is fine and makes points that he backs up with decent logic and reasoning but just go look at /pol/ and you’ll see what I mean

like overnight /pol/ went from talking about trump and hating kikes to having a bunch of people posting these Andrew yang memes everywhere and arguing constantly about why it makes sense and they’re voting for him to fuck the kike out of money etc good for white people typical /pol/ shit but it’s similar to what happened with trump last election season


any time you see a dramatic shift in attitudes of people on the Internet like that it’s probably astroturfing

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It’s funny I don’t really care I’ll watch from the sidelines and vote for the guy because it would really be trump 2.0 in hilarity factors if this guy wins

Wikileaks (proven Russian web-ops account) posting about yang

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It’s literally the same thing, replace “the wall” with “1000 NEETBUX a month”

This but ironically if Bernie loses to him

ive only watched like 3 videos but i like him more than bernie already

Im pretty sure yns right its just russia trying to get a memer up on the left. No point in pushing trump when the news is just bad lmao

Yeah hes interesting but why elect him over some very familiar with our government like Bernie

because for all his years in the senate, bernie hasn’t really acted like a politician in terms of ability to compromise or in finding pragmatic solutions

this is kind of my image of bernie:

too much of an idealist

yang seems more pragmatic and interested in gory details of implementation

bernie also just comes off to me as kinda dumb sometimes

yang gang 2020

looking forward to iaafr’s 2024 run, running on the platform of free forum mafia for all

im not that old

and my platform would involve banning forum mafia and other suboptimal online games



takes bong rip

what if…

what if the answer… is to encourage blue collar americans to go back to being subsistence farmers…


The Republican Party has already been essentially gutted and destroyed by trump and turned into an extremist version of itself. Remember all the republicans crying out against trump as he got elected because he was essentially the opposite of a politician and an extremist version that the party did not want to align itself with due to its belief the American people would find his viewpoints and statements abhorrent? Remember those same republicans aligning their viewpoints, supporting, and agreeing with trump after he won? The party is changed completely from one election cycle and the consequences are yet to be fully explored.

The same idea can be used to completely change the Democrats as well and Yang is the perfect person to do it. It’s the same formula as trump, a businessman with an outlandish idea that will cause the Democratic Party to change into a more extreme version of itself after a painful election cycle. Can you imagine how liberals are going to react to the idea of free neet bux? Fucking Bernie Sanders was considered extremist to these dumb libs this yang dude is going to fuck their shit up.

Whoever is organizing and pushing these candidates (Russians, Jews, Illuminati) is doing it for a specific reason to cause political tensions to rise and generally undermine respect in the presidency. This shit is more than just a discord channel with some people talking about the best way to distribute their memes, 4chan is literally covered in this shit which is just the start.

Watch how it goes from 4chan to weird-twitter/reddit (not on subs on front page) to front page of reddit, to Facebook to major news channels. Afterwards if he does win the primary the Russians will release some type of proof they have on trump that will ruin his chances for re-election like they did to Clinton.

This is all making the big assumption that the Russians or someone is behind this shit but after last election cycle I’m pretty sure this shit is just another operation to destroy our political system from the inside.