NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

you gon give me them gibsmedats

bitch we out here spending govt cheese

Really Doe can you argue the government knows how to spend their own cheese. Atleast you know po boy gonna make good use of it all in an effort to fix up things


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That’s not my point tho. I don’t think ubi is bad. I think it’s a good solution to a problem America is facing and will continue to face. I just don’t think axing the welfare system now for this ubi is going to help the poorest people in the US.

what the fuck you mean nigga it’s a thousand smackeroonis going straight to the bank what the fuck else you need

Oh lmao I dont know nothing about that. Sounds absolutely disasterous to axe that

i mean he talks about this in his interviews

he doesnt expect it to be a silver bullet and help all the poor people

he expects it to help some ppl on the margins and provide an easier-to-administrate cushion for all the automated-away jobs than the current welfare system

he’s not axing it but the implementation is that you can get up to 1000 through all assistance programs youre already in + ubi so he expects most people to switch entirely to ubi cuz youd rather have 1000 cash than 700 in food stamps and 300 cash

alright im done shilling for yang until after the debates

Bruh 12k annually is nothing to live off of.

Idk I’m interested in seeing all of his points and it flushed out but I’m not really hopefully on any ubi he envisions actually getting passed either.

Nah keep going im digging the memes the most

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I’m interested in seeing his VAT details as well that shit can get real dangerous.

wtf you mean bro I live off 0k a year eating chicken tenders in my moms house 12k I’ll be BALLIN

just to clarify, he lives in bay area

Wtf did he really just say he bought a roll of 12 paper towels 5 years ago and still has 9 left