NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

he will crush the debates in my eyes but it’s hard to predict how the smallbrained libcucks will process things

I think it’s about time I get another Chinese gf

in this day and age, if you ain’t hirin shill memers, I question your ability to get the people going

“The insider posted the following message on an anonymous image board:“


also note that article also links to a alleged document from the “Jewish Independent Online Propoganda Brigade” LMAO

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How does it help them the most when they don’t even get the most out of the ubi what. If they’re already getting 1100 in benefits, and those benefits aren’t axed, then they get 0 money from the ubi. If they are axed, they now get 1k in benefits. The benefit ubi has for people on welfare is they at least can work (which gets harder as automation becomes more of a thing xd) and get a ubi, but that doesn’t help non-able bodied individuals. And that the money can be used for anything they want, good or bad.

May as well put them all through school so they can really be beneifical to society

just start a new religion and found a chain of monasteries

i dont want people to be beneficial to society

i want them mentally broken and shitposting

The Donald into yang combo would be ideal for this 100%

schools a red herring man

u rly think the economy has room for hundreds of millions of programmers and data analysts and engineers?

just triple the military budget so china doesnt even think about stepping up

China won’t step up to shit

You ever seen those little chink bastards fight? I’ve whooped some Chinese ass back in middle school and I know my country would do the same

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Huh? They arent handed money they just cut you breaks all over the place but the point is your incomes gotta be really shit to get that and chances are you barely are scraping by. I agree that the concept is too open to really work but you cant just overlook that leople have obvious barriers that are pratically impossible to overcome given their circumstances so they turn to illegitimate means as a way to pay or some shit. Its that or lose your home and let your family starve. Or live with no safety net and then your car breaks down and you dont have any money saved up because you put your break bucks toward your family lol

bitch ass chinamen always like talking about the art of war like they get more points because they made that shit but truth is those bitch ass niggas haven’t won a war in 150 years

bitch catch me at the Gucci store at the 1st of every month cashing my yang bucks

bitch watch me drop a rack we out here spending big