NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

why do you think the trump admin let epstein off easy

Favoritism most likely.

yea i saw that its gonna bite him in the ass over and over

hes not actually that smart

his career record is that of an idealist’s, not that of a savvy businessperson’s

but we must secure the bag

why would they show favoritism towards a guy who trafficked teenage girls

I think there may be levels to it.
I’m not too sure, but he was at minimum a good friend of trump so maybe trumps just holding down his homies.

When you got a lot of people doing the same thing your friend is, even if its illegal or evil, you will likely always view your friend as more innocent. Trump and him were probably good friends. Government is hard, everyone is just looking out for each other, even if it means turning a blind eye instead of doing whats right.

I like to believe epstien changed and started throwing others under the bus so they outted him in media, but this is likely delusion.

Yeah keep voting for the guy funding Israel and supporting Jews left and right really good idea

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Don’t think yang is suddenly anti israel, just because trump loves giving money to israel nowadays.

yang loves his jewish friends but hes gonna give u a 1000 bucks to ignore that.

Straight out the lot, one thousand cash
And the bag came with a blunt in it

Thats a stupid fucking take. The Jews obviously dont support handing out money and the dude youre supporting isnt just possibly a shill, its goddamn confirmed

Alright alright, yang gang 2020, not because i like him but because acceleration is the only way now.

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yeah that’s the sell

accelerationism and 1k a month in ur pocket

don’t ask me to back it up but I don’t buy the instant inflation counterargument to the bucks either

long as the federal reserve control the price of the dollar, inflation coming either way so NEETBUX ON DECK.

tfw a Taiwanese communist is the blackpill candidate and redpillers are considering it cuz Trump’s such a letdown

I mean the counterargument is more about the pace of inflation and arguing that the market will instantly counteract the utility of the neetbucks by inflating a lot faster, even faster than the current course

while I don’t think it’ll work that way because… idk muh feels

not gonna pretend to understand the economics of it

what is your envisioned course of events for the accelerationist strategy btw?

where’s the turning point where things could get better

thats the thing i dont know if i agree with acelerationism but securing that bag sounds good,

I dont know if there will be a turning point, i look around me sometime and there arent a lot of real men left. The chances of a turning point are so small that i’m not sure. I wouldnt mind leading the fight but mopping floors fixing things and living in this capitalist society grant me great joy that it would be a sacrifice either way, and without numbers quite frankly we’ll lose whether it be quick or slow.

Im gonna make Trumpo pay for my copy of the Master Chief Collection

Print more money is the solution to everything; hyper-inflation only happens to losers like the Weimar Republic and the Confederate States of America.

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