NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

woke post

No worries though its not like people would try and use Jews as a scapegoat if that happened again right

It’s always the Jews

I always like the desecrate our constitution meme. Like what the fuck do you think amendments are. Do you think some old fucks 200 years ago know what’s right for modern America when they couldn’t even wrap their minds around technology today lmao

Do you believe the government exist for the protection of the people?
The constitution are the few rights/laws in government targeted for the well being of the people right now, all others especially the more recent ones have strict political purpose and wording.

I’m not saying people 200 years ago knew best, but i can tell our current government should they defile the constitution do not have our best interest in mind when doing so.

People said this same shit when they added black people and women can vote. There’s a lot of checks and balances within the government and I don’t think there’s a big (((conspiracy))) so I have some faith in it. But acting like the Constitution is some divine scripture that can never be altered or changed is simply idiotic.

say goodbye to the internet.

the fucking mad man really did it.


holy shit to watch someone shoot like 25 people and then drive off blasting Eurobeat is surreal

welp thread is down boys

really sad

what the fuck is your problem you absolute piece of dog-shit?

yeah that’s some wild shit

I pretty much watched the whole video I skipped ahead some parts when he was driving there but it was super crazy to watch someone do that and then go outside, start shooting at people, then hop in his car and drive away and then shoot people from his car and keep driving like holy shit

what did it make you feel besides adrenaline?

I’m pretty stunned about the whole thing still