NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Just saying that john mccain was unforgivably bad. The only reason he survived being a POW was because he’s got rich military higher-ups family that would pay ransom.

yall ready to colonize the arctic?

Taking sore loser to the next level

Shooter apparently used a laser sight and was targeting black players. What the fuck…

is it just me or can u see the laser sight on them as it cuts away

you can

To be fair there’s no worse feeling than when your girl is attracted to a black dude

The guy with the laser point on him is True boy, the first confirmed deceased

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anyone got the thoorin’s thoughts w/ the madden shooter

I don’t think he did one with him

HuffPo delivers dumbest article ever

Twitter needs to be shut down

i'm sure these liberals are really owning him on twitter. he'll probably resign due to the savageness of their tweets within days. god bless The Resistance :usa2:

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Trump is kicking Goggle in the nuts and Google deserves to be put in their place.

Greed takes hold of all companies.

Death to google

I’m fine with all this but I really dont think Google is rigging search results like you think they are.

requesting a klose on this thread

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politiks is for people who kant think for themselves