NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

we need an emperor and it should be me

What are your credentials

Alright I just want to throw it out there

Joe Biden never had any chance of being president

Not to hurt anyone's feelings or anything but the presidential election is entirely based on persona and his wasn't going to win

So when I hear these morons on WGBH debating whether being outed as a creep (which we all knew already) would hurt his chances at nomination, i can't help but think what a bunch of idiots. What a bunch of morons

WGBH needs to stop devoting time to politics

I really dont give a fuck that elizabeth warren said some thing and the democrats will do XYZ

I am listening exclusively to hear things like some online fly fishing community pulled off a heist to steal priceless extinct bird feathers from the galapagos museum so they could make specially colored lures

If you aren't going to talk about shit like that then just broadcast silence because I dont want to hear it.

Please send these messages along to the WGBH people site admins. I trust they will get where they need to go

who even is wgbh

doubleU George Bush Hussein

Boston NPR

Didn't you live in Boston

didn't drive or anything

I generally listen to music or audiobooks even when I do

Imagine if you could have those music and audiobooks selected for you except 90% of the time they select to talk about elizabeth "1% is enough to get me into harvard" warren and her never-ending fight over 1/4th of a seat for controlling majority on a local PTA board or something

my mom listens to npr a lot and I remember what it's like being in the car with her

idk news type programming just annoys me a lot of the time

probably for different reasons from why it annoys you xd

Let me put it simply

If you ever say anything about politics out loud and do not immediately finish the sentence with "but i dont really care about politics anyway haha" just know I am somewhere sitting in my 1997 honda civic and fuming at you

gonna secure the bag somebody's gotta just tell yang to stop thinking about policies

u got a 97 civic?

I'm a radical centrist who also hates jews

Aren't we all

I'm ok with some Jews.

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My brain will never mAture

