NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

unironically good

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He's gotta be a plant designed to make the left look like idiots

like I said earlier, trump was the Russian plant to destroy the Republican Party, Andrew Yang is the Russian plant to destroy the Democratic Party

Raise the voting age back to 21

dudes gotta stop adding to his platform

If I can fight and die for this country but I can’t enjoy a beer and I can’t buy cigarettes in certain states why should I be able to vote

This is a good idea, but should probably raise it to 25 when ur brain is fully developed. Retirees and pensioners should be barred from voting as well.

if the boomers are any indication though FUCK mature brains

honestly tired of boomers and cucks trying to destroy my race

@iaafr when will you be having children


wtf why

iaafr I’m giving you the white card here to continue the white race. You must have children to secure an existence for my people.

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You should be between the ages of 25 and 70 to vote

23 and 69

Nobody should be allowed to vote. You all do not have mature brains because you have been poisoning yourselves with alcohol, marijuana, and coffee.

