NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

I dont have to be to understand how this works. Because you can just look at what is happening. Laws were just introduced that infringe on the rights of half the population under current federal law. In order to tell me I cant have an abortion, the supreme court will have to put forward an opinion that justifies taking that right away.

How is it your right to kill a human fetus? It’s literally alive inside of you like literally alive

I can’t go beat on my girlfriends womb to kill the fetus even with her consent

REMEMBER: if you don't want women to kill children you hate women

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Roe V Wade gives women the right to first term abortions and under some cases 2nd term. This is the law of the land.

To overturn it they will give a new opinion that justifies removing this right. That justification will include some recognition that fetuses are persons under the law. This is clear as day.

again, life isnt protected by the law

Ok so fetuses are persons under law then? They are human beings and people that are just unborn.

This doesn't go anywhere we just did it

you pussied out shut up

but they arent currently. the surpreme court will have to make that the case for these new state abortion laws to have teeth

every now and then a man leaves ammunition laying around

That’s not a hard case considering they are literal human beings developing into babies. Like you could say children under 3 aren’t human until they’ve reached the age to be able to speak but you would just be retarded and wrong. All human life is human regardless of where it is at the development stage. This is a simple thing to comprehend

life is not protected by the law. when life becomes a person is arbitrary.

again I agree it is disgusting, but for the good of society I think they should not be persons under the law

I don't think it's morally right to kill a person but it shouldn't be illegal. I don't think just because something is immoral it should be illegal. The benefits of abortion to the people with already invested lives is fucking massive compared to ending some lives before they begin. I also agree with it being the woman's choice in if she wants to support and grow that life. And would rather it be done professionally and safely for their benefit

Life is clearly protected by the law. If I murder you I have committed a crime and society will punish me. If I start putting cats/dogs in bags and suffocating the life out of them, I will have committed a crime. Life is something clearly protected by laws and one of the main reasons why laws are a thing, to stop others from simply murdering people they don’t agree with.

Idk if fetuses can be called people but they are def human life. I have more of a problem with 3rd trimester when it really starts developing and is past a lot of dangers of miscarriage and deformation

nope. life is not protected by the law. persons are

you proved my own point here. cats and dogs are not protected by the same laws as persons. since they are life and not persons, additional laws protecting them had to be made