Every discussion with ewiz inevitably degrades to nonsense semanticism which totally invalidates the original argument and makes people forget wth they were even talking about
Shut up retard
Probably every intellectual discussion on the internet, especially in areas like politics, religion, philosophy, inevitably degrades to dumb semantics and ewiz is just an accelerant to this process
You prob voted for Hillzdawg
the absolute madman has done it again.
he forgot the comma though. -2 points
ESNI will be in Firefox this week. :-)
“hurr I have absolutely no fucking knowledge on how intellectual debate works so I think that clarifying definitions is ‘dumb semantics’ and not at all crucial to elucidating thought and generating good philosophy”
Get back to me after you canvas for a real progressive candidate for months (like I did for Bernie).
In light of this information I think the correct approach to these discussions is to enter with some sort of maxim and revert to it in response to any attempt at serious discussion
“I’m with her”
“Meat is sin”
“I’m a big donkey named deepthroat hear me bray”
Shut up, retard
100 % agreed but are we talking liberal democracy here or new-generation neoliberalism
Shut up, retard.
Libralism aint librul enuf
“liberalism is the same as leftism. Sure glad I’ve never read anything on the subject before i opened my fat fucking mouth”
I’m a liberalist.
Which of these features are the problem you think?
I thought Ewiz made some good points, and though I don’t want to argue about the definition of “liberalism” (nor do I have the knowledge to make a proper debate on that), I do think that state-owned enterprises for the sake of providing free healthcare, school and cheaper public transport is inherently “liberal”.
Equal protection or rights and political freedoms. Fair elections between multiple distinct parties.
It’s not inherently liberal, but I don’t believe it’s mutually exclusive with liberalism either, as some would argue