NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

albert einstein was an honorary member of mensa and you didnt need a test to prove it. his ability to see patterns was so strong that (after gathering the courage following watching the first spiderman movie) He decided that with his great power came great responsibility and began documenting his visions – forming the foundations for modern IQ tests today.

Rip Bob Barker (Peter Parker’s dad)



Why is it a mainstay of liberalism? I know elected liberals all do it. But why is it a mainstay of the -ism?

Because liberalism is still an ideology that has been tied together with capital, which requires exploitation of the developing world by any means necessary

How is tied to capital?

Not disputing anything your saying. I just don’t feel comfortable with the single word arguments anymore.


Modern liberal democratic policies are predicated on the notion that capitalism is the most effective system for economic management. It’s not a question of how that’s true, it just is

Is there an example of a system that exists today that is not liberal? Again not trying to dispute anything you said.

This is an absurd question? Like what does it even mean?

I mean like a country or any organized society.

What do you define as liberal, because we probably have severely different understandings of what that means

That’s why I am asking you these questions. I don’t feel like I am privy to exactly what leftists mean when they say liberal

My understanding of liberalism is basically individualism uber alles. A state exists to protect individual rights yada yada

All Western democracies are liberal, I’d say

So is there something else in the world that isn’t? Just as an example?

Venezuela. China. North Korea. Maybe some of the Scandinavian democracies, but I’d probably argue they’re still liberal

What makes China non-liberal?

From Wikipedia:

Scandinavia is the most liberal place on earth?

See, this is why the distinction as to what liberal means is important. Some would argue that central planning features of an economy are anti-liberal, and would exclude some Scandinavian nations. I wouldn’t make that argument, but I left them in there anyways with the caveat I wouldn’t agree