NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

There are so many people on this forum that are upset that they know you this well. They fill our moderator boxes with alerts because they are just so tired of knowing jdance this well.

You’re wrong that’s not a thing.

Maybe in your backwards ass country. Here it is absolutely a legally defined concept.

Welcome back to the Mod team!


I mean I’m not going to bite on your sarcasm at the moment.

We know you, jdance.

Why would you respond to that Nma post, of all things?

I am here to make sure all whining post flaggers get no results.

Why do you end up mentioning this every time you post at me? I get it - racist jokes are funny and hip these days and you just follow the social trends, but there is a time and place for jokes and this isn’t either.

Something being Legally defined does not really give it more credence, Weed was illegal for years and now it isn’t.

Your country’s government and religious affiliations are not a race.

Call me xenophobic I’m fine with that.

Weed is schedule I? I think you’re out of your depth here

Yes, very clever and original - the classic Hypocritical SJW argument. I could say the same about African countries and you would call me racist.

Strawman after strawman with this guy…

You’re doing it again.

I don’t strawman, you’re just employing cliched arguments while clearly not understanding what you’re talking about thoroughly.

Notice how @ilmemmerdelui is dodging my original argument and turning it into another one of his clown dances.

Don’t post @ him. He’s just going to say whatever to keep the string of shit going.

It’s not an Egyptian thing it’s an Nma thing.


Everyone can see what you’re doing here.

You’re lying.