NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

can you believe the chutzpah on this putz?

oy gevalt!

fun language fact:

“enough already!” has its roots in Brooklyn jews. We would have likely never said that naturally without the Brooklyn jews having a yiddish substrate. It is a very unlikely utterance otherwise.

There are plenty of (jewish) things like this in modern English.

@scsf are you now interested in the proliferation of Anglish?

Language was the end of Humanity

I am personally a big fan of jewish features in modern English.

not the biggest fan of jewish influence

Bet you got a jewish dick lmao

i cant say the words that best describe my dick, ethnically

For every view my posts in this thread get, george soros pays me 10 cents

It’s I’m not arguing that human’s natural tendencies should govern how we as a collective act in societies, but look at our presidency: he’s a clear example of how and why communism wouldn’t work. A fully controlled state by a single entity (GOP in this case) is just a recipe for disaster. Communism would be a basket case just because of how weak people are to collusion, corruption, and any form of anti-liberty.

Now do I think it’s time to maybe find a new system? Yes, it’s obvious that capitalism has its pros and cons and we might be past the expiration date for capitalism. But we as humans aren’t ready for something like communism and I don’t think we ever will be

Our nature is trash glass earth already

Aside from your clearly flawed idea of communism, you’re still arguing as if there’s a singular human nature. Surely you’d agree that somebody born heir of some huge trust family fund would have an entirely different world view than someone born in the war-torn Middle East. We are products of our surroundings, and saying we as the species of humanity in their entirety are conflicting in nature with communism while living under a system which rewards the selfish and aggressive behaviors you describe has no basis in historical or material analysis.

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seriously can we stop arguing communism versus capitalism they aren’t compatible and communism is socialized but communism isnt synonym for socialism

The real solution is anarchocapitalism


more like anarcho collectivism rofl


Got eeeemmm lol

Gordan Ramsay: Finally, Some Good Fucking Food

Gunna get used to rationalize further causing innocent people to suffer.

Looks like it already did.