NAMafia Artifact League!

20 players signed up. I am hyped.

Not sure I want to donate to the prize pool now. There are too many new opportunists who might just jump in for the money, and never actually visit this great website.

This is what I was thinking of when I made an offer to donate to the prize pool.

I hope so when u said to make them register it sounded like you were requesting that they b active. I just let people know that were based and redpilled and still using forum software in 2018

Would like to take 3 ppl who can be online today and test mechanics for this just so we know exactly how it works when we start


I realized fuck this game yesterday


No takers for this huh

Sure! :slight_smile:

Need 2

I can be on between 3:30 and 7:00

Test tournament

When we have 4 we will go and try to break it

Need 1

Are u going to be able to draft a deck ewiz

I can at like 3:30. Leaving the office at 3

Will u be here at 330 nma

If so we’ll do 330. Still need 1 more

are we actually playing the games through or just insta conceding because I have to farm minecraft sand

I don’t know what 330 is


1 hr from now