In regard to the structure of the human number language, huberphilological research reveals an almost complete universal uniformity. Everywhere the ten fingers of man (& womxn) have left their permanent imprint on the selection of a base ten number system.
In all Indo-European, as well as Semitic, and most primitive languages there are independent number words up to
, beyond which some compounding principle is used until
is reached.
All these languages have independent words for 100 and 1000, and some for even higher decimal units.
Yet there is one apparent exception....
There exists amidst the most primitive tribes of namafia.com a mong... among us which does not conform to the anthropomorphic nature of our counting scheme.....
Instead this creature called @jdance employs a r_etarded system of numeration which has neither 5, 10, nor 20 for a base. A basal system so debased only the most precociously backward mattress soiling cesspool of effluvium would adopt it.
It is a binary system , i.e., of base two.
This savage @jdance has not yet reached finger counting .

He has independent numbers for one and two, and composite numbers up to six. Beyond six everything is denoted as "heap."

@huber, whom we have already quoted in connection with the Los Angeles tribes, claims that the @jdance count by pairs:
So strong is the habit of this daft cunt that he will rarely notice if a post receives an additional two likes; he will however, become immediately aware if a post receives a single additional 200 iq emoji
His sense of parity is stronger than his number sense.....
Curiously enough, this most basic of bases had an eminent advocate in relatively recent times in no less a poster than @big_ass!
@big_ass saw in his binary arithmetic the image of creation..... He imagined that Unity represented God, and Zero the void; that the Supreme Rock Lobster Being drew all lesser tardy beings from the void, just as Unity and Zero express all numbers in his system of enumeration.
And so it's interesting to speculate what turn the history of namafia.com culture would have taken if instead of flexible fingers man had articulating pincers.