Namafia dota night?

I stopped playing and really suck at this game now.

I would be willing to play but the goys would trash talk me for being so bad.
Don't need that right now.

I hadn't played in 7 years and didn't catch shit for it with them besides being called a noob sometimes, they literally play with jcrispy (frequently shitfaced drunk or just actively griefing). A real gamer wouldn't let something trivial like self respect get in the way of getting in the game. Even if nmaGane and brendan have a giggle and chris talks shit about you who even cares anyone can stop playing if they want to. Uh oh guys they might be talking shit about me in teamspeak!!!!

The only person who actually gets upset when inhousing with noobs is chris, inhouses are very big deals and he needs a serious player to support(carry) his creep hero in the laning phase

if i can survive the flame...
i think you can

ok add me on steam

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I have a hard skin when playing mafia, but not Dota.

Getting flamed for playing a bad game of mafia doesn't bother me.
I have won enough games to know that I am good.

Getting flamed for playing a bad game of Dota reminds me about all the flames.
Not an enjoyable experience any more.

The last time I had a truly great time was playing custom games with GrandGrant and his friends.

That makes literally no sense and makes me think you just don't want to play dota, which is fine

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This guy is so mad


big word to be throwing around here

don't let me pick nyx assassin ever again


i'm sure more of it was my inability to do anything, like i was not playing dota i am so fuckign sorry

just the like 3 second delay in my head when i'm telling myself the things i should have been focusing on



@NumetaGod you should play.

Also, ppd is trying to resurrect NADCL. It is supposed to start Thursday..

You invite Dotakyle to our private Steam Groupchat? You will suffer forever.

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