NAMafia Film Club

serbian film is pretty fucked, especially the ending

glad they didn’t do some dumb cop-out ending

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we should hold a wes anderson marathon

I genuinely believe wes anderson is a pedophile

same for woody allen (just based on his movies and not the fact that he has actually been taken to court for molesting his daughter)

is this cuz of moonrise kingdom

woody allens love life is so crazy

Woody allen brought an adopted daughter from China and legally married her when she turned 18

Read his writing on the situation - he’s a pedo

but I guess to nadota moderators this is their imagination of “a bustling love life”

kill me

actually kill him 1st

He’s always appeared creepy as fuck to me but I know little to nothing about him. This isn’t true right? The fuck

Would Alightsoul ever lie?

His daughter also accused him of molesting her…

Brood doesn’t like his movies anyway so I’m not sure why we’re talking about him.

Adopted or blood?

They both are appalling but just clarifying if there’s another daughter or you’re referencing the same thing

Oh, not his wife daughter, his daughter daughter.

Good grief.

Money is insane. This guy has so many fucking movies and he’s just some massive sex offender.

  • Has so many sex-oriented movies. Ugh.

All time favorite

I’m interested

I mean have you watched his movies they’re all bad and he’s clearly a pervert

I was genuinely interested in viewing dr Strangelove in the near future but now that it’s been called top tier by slowdive and Ian I’m mega skeptical.

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