NAMafia Film Club

You should embed it right now just to make sure it’s working as intended

ill stream my anime game

What happens if two people stream to that address

Would the second person kick the first person off

no idea. hope it would block the second one

nice my novels live

VAs in VNs should be shot

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I’d give anything to hear the theme of katawa shoujo again for the first time… I miss you so much Emi…

anal tho


Her and drill girl are best girls

i only did emi and lilly.

emi was just a ball of energy

Ya I think everyone’s favorite would be Emi just for the overall enjoyment, shizune is good but depressing, same with rin altho she’s the generic oddball, Lilly is like mother Theresa and drill girl results in bad ending

Bees is a weeb? Disgusting

Nothing weeb about crying over fictional cripple girls

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think ima just embed rocket chat or something eventually.

i dont remeber alot about lilly.

You sound just like lbj right now. No wonder you let him bull for you

kira kira and deardrops some of my favorite music vns.

i bet @LuckyArtist hasn’t even played KS before tho, he’s a fake ass weeb