NAMafia Film Club

It’s not illegal to stream a movie with your friends

Therefore if you pretend all of these people are your friends Sony can’t legally dmca your stream

beyond that being blatantly wrong

the “legality” (or better yet, legitimacy) of the DMCA means ultimately nothing to your hosting provider.

enjoy attempting to contact support after they nullroute your host out of nowhere and don’t care because you’re paying $2.41 a month.

They can’t legally dmca you if you stream in increments of less than 15 minutes

They can’t legally DMCA you if you stream it at low resolutions

I went and saw this is it was really good.


I think Matt’s permabanned from twitch for running a non-stop Gilmore girls stream

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Roragok posted the stream key so you could stream if you want. Nobody would watch Your streams though haha

Thinking of streaming myself reading Java documentation tonight.

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Working on my TLA+ certification

We still on for Jin roh at 930?

I gotta help a friend out and won’t be back till 11pm :(

I could do it tomorrow if that’s better.

If other people wanna wait sure

Well I think it’s just u an Ian

lets try on monday.

Yeah tomorrow’s good

Worked late today anyway