Caddyshack live
Dangerfield's great
Caddyshack is over
Did you stream the part with the nudity
I put my hands over my TV for that part
Kingpin is live
Woody harrelson drinks bucket of bull jizz--live
That movie was a lot better than I was expecting it to be
Very funny
Meatballs is live
Meatballs didn't have a lot going on besides Murray but he was good enough
Scrooged in 15 or 20 minutes
Apologies to girl pool didn't realize it was lagging for a while
Scrooged is live
Starting Ghostbusters
Oh shit its goin
Just started
Already on movie 5/6 kingpin was the hidden gem so far
Been a while since I watched kingpin
I will be there for life aquatic :)